$include_dir="/home/hyper-archives/boost/include"; include("$include_dir/msg-header.inc") ?>
From: Rainer Deyke (rdeyke_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-04-10 11:05:51
On 09.04.24 16:33, ÐмиÑÑий ÐÑÑ
ипов via Boost wrote:
> вÑ, 9 апÑ. 2024â¯Ð³. в 16:43, Rainer Deyke via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]>:
> first. Build systems aren't going anywhere, as well as compiled libraries.
>> I'm fine with one build system. The one I use to compile my own code.
>> I'm not fine with the dozen or so build systems I currently have to use
>> to build my dependencies.
> This is already solved by package managers. They deal with
> dependencies' build systems for you and create "exports" for your
> build system.
I think you mean it /could/ be solved by a /hypothetical/ package
manager. Because it's not solved by any actual package manager I know.
I tried Conan. I ran into the following problems:
- Even getting it to work with a trivial test program is a pain in
the ass.
- It's based on binary packages, which means very limited
configurability for packages to avoid a combinatorial explosion of
package files.
- It does not come with all of libraries I use, or even a significant
subset thereof.
- The libraries it does host are often broken.
- It wants to fetch packages from the internet, which means that
build scripts aren't future proof, because stuff disappears from the
internet all the time. To avoid this I would have to host my own
repository, which is again a huge pain in the ass.
- It tries to be "build system agnostic", which means I need still be
fluent in a dozen or so build systems to fix things inevitably go wrong.
I did not try any others, but that's because I was turned away from them
before I even downloading them. I'm currently taking a second looks at
build2. I haven't got very far, but I'm already starting to hate it.
>> You don't recompile the dependencies "all the time". You compile once
>> per configuration and recompile when the dependency changes, same as any
>> other source file. Your build system takes care of this.
> But you do. I would think, most projects are built in CI these days.
> CI can get you pre-built binaries for your dependencies. But BMIs are
> not redistributable, as we've been told it is not even a goal. The
> best you can do in order to not rebuild every module for every job is
> CI runner cache.
That sounds like a problem with your build system.
I do "from scratch" builds every so often. They take about a week to
run. Of course, "from scratch" for me includes compiling the tools I
use to build the tools, including the compiler.
>> This means that there is just one way of configuring a library, by
>> defining configuration macros. No messing around with CMake variables
>> or command-line arguments for configure scripts or whatever Meson or
>> SCons use.
> Nothing stops you from using macros even now. E.g. with CMake:
> CXXFLAGS=-DMYLIB_MACRO=1 cmake -S. -Bbuild
> With b2:
> b2 define=MYLIB_MACRO=1
And a third syntax for SCons, and a fourth for autotools, and a fifth
for Meson, and so on. The whole point is to avoid having to learn a
dozen different build tools, each with their own command line syntax.
> There must be a reason projects prefer to use configuration options
> and not macros directly.
The main reason is that people are stuck on the library binaries model
(whether static or dynamic) - a model that has been obsolete since C++
first gained templates.
-- Rainer Deyke (rainerd_at_[hidden])