From: Rainer Deyke (rdeyke_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-04-11 12:57:37

On 11.04.24 11:44, Boris Kolpackov via Boost wrote:
>> - bdep creates a <project_name>/<project_name> hierarchy. I assume the
>> outer <project_name> directory is the package and the inner <project_name>
>> is the project within the package. But wait, there's one more level! I
>> can't put my build directories in the inner /or/ the outer <project_name>,
>> so in practice I've got three levels:
>> <project_name>/<project_name>/<project_name>.
> That's the default structure and there is rationale[1] for it, though as
> most things in this area, it's a trade-off and not everyone agrees with
> the choices we've made.

I have been using the canonical layout for the purpose of following
along with the Getting Started Guide. I realize that some aspects of
this cane be changed, but others seemingly can't.

This is the layout I want:

   + builds <- not in version control
     + configuration1
     + configuration2
   + source
     + <super_project_name>
       + <project_name>
         + <project>.hpp
         + <project>.cpp
   + <build_configurations_files> <- in version control

I find the use of <super_project_name> useful to separate internal
libraries and external libraries, and to prevent namespace pollution. I
use this include style:

   #include "super_project_name/project_name/project.hpp"

Double quotes instead of angle brackets because the file I'm including
is not from the standard library, but always with both super_project and
project names.

The important bits here that Build2 doesn't seem to like:
   - Builds go under the main project directory. One project, one
top-level directory (with as many subdirectories as needed).
   - Build configurations are versioned.

>> - I need to specify the name for each build configuration twice, once for
>> the @name and once for the directory.
> Hm, not sure where you got this impression. The only time you need to
> specify both is when creating the configuration. Even in this case the
> directory is actually optional and if you don't specify it, you will
> get ../<project>-<name> by default.

Yeah, I really don't like these <project>-<configuration> directories at
the same level as the main project. Hence the need to manually specify
a different directory.

>> - It wants me to use git. I strongly prefer fossil as my version control
>> system.
> You can use build2 without git. You will loose quite a bit of "nice to have"
> functionality, mostly in bdep, but it's doable.

I know I can, but I don't like losing "nice to have" functionality.
Especially when I'm just getting started with Build2 and I don't know
what that functionality is or how nice it is.

>> - Build configurations appear to be stored in a sqlite database, not in a
>> readable and editable text file.
> It's a bit more nuanced that that: some information (usually the one
> you don't want to edit manually) is stored in the SQLite database, while
> things like compiler, options, etc that you have configured are stored
> in plain text files that you are welcome to edit. >
> Continuing with the above example:
> $ cat ../hello-clang/build/

That's a relief, but the configuration options are stored with the build
artifacts? That's awkward if I want the configuration options in
version control while keeping the build artifacts outside.

Rainer Deyke (rainerd_at_[hidden])