$include_dir="/home/hyper-archives/boost-users/include"; include("$include_dir/msg-header.inc") ?>
From: Yuval Ronen (ronen_yuval_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-01 12:34:10
To answer the question in the subject line: char* isn't bool, but it's
implicitly convertible to bool, which is probably (haven't really
checked, just an educated guess) what's causing you trouble.
Nindi wrote:
> When I have a Boost.Variant templated on a bool and a std::string, I get
> the following behaviour ..
> #include<string>
> #include<boost/variant.hpp>
> typedef boost::variant< bool,std::string> BoostVariant;
> int main () {
> BoostVariant v("A String");
> bool &Bref(boost::get<bool&>(v)); // this is ok
> std::string &Sref(boost::get<std::string&>(v)); // But this throws
> return 0;
> }
Instead of
BoostVariant v("A String");
BoostVariant v(std::string("A String"));
I think it will solve your problems.