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From: Federico Feller (fliafeller_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-01 15:58:24
Well, deadlines forced me to find other solution. So,
waiting for new releases is not really a posibility
for me. Anyway, the right solution for me seems to be
stop using BCB at all...this compiler has show too
many weaknesses (specially compile times)
Thanks a lot for your answers
--- Nicola Musatti <Nicola.Musatti_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Robert Ramey wrote:
> > Federico Feller wrote:
> >> Russell, thanks for your answer. I've tried
> removing
> >> the template specifications, but it didn't solve
> the
> >> problem. Unfortunally I had to stop using the
> >> serialization library and try something else.
> >
> > Hmmm - have you considered upgrading the
> > compiler? I would be curious to know if
> > the latest BCB is any bettter. 1.34 - to be
> > released "real soon now" has passed almost
> > all tests.
> I fear this wouldn't help Federico because the
> newest compiler appears
> to reach this kind of limit rather sooner than
> later.
> Cheers,
> Nicola Musatti
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