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From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-03 10:26:49
Sascha Lumma(e)k dio:
> Hi all,
> I noticed that kernel 2.6 is a requirement for shmem on linux. Is it
> possible to get shmem to run - maybe with constraints - together with
> kernel 2.4 and the older pthread version (linuxthreads)? A start on a
> kernel 2.4 box produces a segmentation fault in shared_memory.hpp.
> To reach most users as possible, it would be nice to be compatible or if
> not possible to get as a minimum a normal termination.
> Sascha Lumma
Sorry, 2.4 has no process-shared primitives, and it's not a priority to
emulate them. If anyone wants to contribute them, they are welcome ;-)
I agree that process-crash is not an correct result, but could you
investigate what's happening? Maybe an exception is being thrown when
constructing a process shared mutex and that should be a correct error
report, IMHO.