From: Russell L. Carter (rcarter_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-03 18:52:05

This is a beginner question about the MPL. I'm building a
general purpose simulation program which will have an optimization
module as well as an internal ODE solver which requires derivatives of
the implemented algorithm in various forms. Around 1998-2002 there
was a lot of enthusiasm for generating the derivatives automatically
using expression templates. I'm not quite through with an exhaustive
review of the literature but it appears the various efforts ran to
ground on the compilation memory and cpu requirements that evaluating
expression templates in their original form required.

So 1st question, has anybody done something like this with mpl/fusion
sequences and algorithms? Has there been an improvement in compile
time performance? Do you have any pointers to trivial examples? I've
read Alexandrescu, and Abrahams & Gurtovoy and it's not clear to me
how to map the expression templates as described in the earlier efforts onto
mpl sequences and algorithms.

That's probably enough for now.

Thanks for any help.
