From: Sebastien Fortier (sebastien.fortier_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-04 08:04:47

I've tried what you have suggested but it does not work, here is the error

.../boost_1_33_1/boost/python/object/value_holder.hpp:135: error: no
   matching function for call to `boost::const_multi_array_ref<double,
2, const
.../boost_1_33_1/boost/multi_array/multi_array_ref.hpp:45: error: candidates
   are: boost::const_multi_array_ref<double, 2, const
   2, const double*>&)
.../boost_1_33_1/boost/multi_array/multi_array_ref.hpp:325: error:
                  boost::const_multi_array_ref<T, NumDims,
   TPtr>::const_multi_array_ref(TPtr, const
   boost::general_storage_order<NumDims>&, typename
   boost::detail::multi_array::multi_array_impl_base<T, NumDims>::index*,
   typename boost::detail::multi_array::multi_array_impl_base<T,
   NumDims>::size_type*) [with T = double, unsigned int NumDims = 2, TPtr =
   const double*]
.../boost_1_33_1/boost/multi_array/multi_array_ref.hpp:120: error:
                  boost::const_multi_array_ref<T, NumDims,
   TPtr>::const_multi_array_ref(TPtr, const
   boost::detail::multi_array::extent_gen<NumDims>&, const
   boost::general_storage_order<NumDims>&) [with T = double, unsigned int
   NumDims = 2, TPtr = const double*]
.../boost_1_33_1/boost/multi_array/multi_array_ref.hpp:111: error:
                  boost::const_multi_array_ref<T, NumDims,
   TPtr>::const_multi_array_ref(TPtr, const
   boost::detail::multi_array::extent_gen<NumDims>&) [with T = double,
   int NumDims = 2, TPtr = const double*]

my interface file is

// Boost Includes
#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
#include "boost/python/class.hpp"
#include "boost/python/implicit.hpp"
#include "boost/python/module.hpp"
#include "boost/python.hpp"
#include "boost/cstdint.hpp"

// Includes
#include "Fstd.h"
#include "MatrixAlgorithm2D.h"

// Using
using namespace boost::python;

// Module
    class_< Fstd >("Fstd", init< const Fstd& >())
        .def(init< std::string >())
        .def("getTT", &Fstd::getTT)
        .def("getUV", &Fstd::getUV)

    class_< MatrixAlgorithm2D >("MatrixAlgorithm2D", init< >())
        .def(init< const MatrixAlgorithm2D& >())
        .def("windChill", &MatrixAlgorithm2D::windChill)
        .def("display_d", &MatrixAlgorithm2D::display_d)

    class_<boost::multi_array<double, 2> >("multi_array_2d");
    class_<boost::const_multi_array_ref<double, 2>
    implicitly_convertible<boost::multi_array<double, 2>,
boost::multi_array_ref<double, 2> >();
    implicitly_convertible<boost::multi_array<double, 2>,
boost::const_multi_array_ref<double, 2> >();

Daniel Wallin wrote:

>Sebastien Fortier wrote:
>>Thank you very much Daniel!
>>I had another question, is it possible to use multi_array and
>>const_multi_array_ref together in python.
>>What I mean is, if I create a multi_array from python through my c++
>>functions and I want to pass this array to another c++ function that
>>uses a const_multi_array_ref how do I manage this in the interface file?
>>is this possible?
>>I added class_<const_multi_array_ref<double, 2>
>> >("const_multi_array_2d_ref"); to my interface file but the types seem
>>to be incompatible.
>You need to let Boost.Python know that the types are convertible:
> implicitly_convertible<
> multi_array<double, 2>
> , multi_array_ref<double, 2>
> >();
> implicitly_convertible<
> multi_array<double, 2>
> , const_multi_array_ref<double, 2>
> >();
>Should do it. See
>>I would prefer to use the const_multi_array_ref with the multi_arrays to
>>avoid copies...
>If you already have multi_array's, why don't you just pass them by

Sébastien Fortier