$include_dir="/home/hyper-archives/boost-users/include"; include("$include_dir/msg-header.inc") ?>
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-10 01:16:34
That helped - I wasn't blowing away bin.v2 after changiing user-config.jam.
Now I'm down to :
$ bjam --v2
warning: Python location is not configured
warning: the Boost.Python library won't be built
Building Boost.Regex with the optional Unicode/ICU support disabled.
Please refer to the Boost.Regex documentation for more information
(and if you don't know what ICU is then you probably don't need it).
...found 1100 targets...
...updating 2 targets...
xslt-xsltproc ..\bin.v2\doc\msvc-7.1\debug\boost.docbook
../bin.v2/doc/msvc-7.1/debug/catalog.xml:0: element rewriteURI: Catalog
error :
rewriteURI entry 'rewritePrefix' broken ?: file:///Program
set XML_CATALOG_FILES=..\bin.v2\doc\msvc-7.1\debug/catalog.xml
"xsltproc" --stringparam boost.libraries ../../libs/libraries.htm --path
.v2\libs\foreach\doc\msvc-7.1\debug --path
vc-7.1\debug --path ..\bin.v2\libs\math\doc\msvc-7.1\debug --path
\static_assert\doc\msvc-7.1\debug --path
..\bin.v2\libs\tr1\doc\msvc-7.1\debug -
-path ..\bin.v2\libs\type_traits\doc\msvc-7.1\debug --path
\doc\msvc-7.1\debug --path
..\bin.v2\libs\xpressive\doc\msvc-7.1\debug --path ..
\bin.v2\more\whos_using\msvc-7.1\debug --path
ebug\link-static --path
--xinclude -o "..\bin.v2\doc\msvc-7.1\debug\boost.docbook"
boostbook\xsl\docbook.xsl" "src\boost.xml"
...failed xslt-xsltproc ..\bin.v2\doc\msvc-7.1\debug\boost.docbook...
...skipped <phtml>HTML.manifest for lack of
...failed updating 1 target...
...skipped 1 target...
Which seems tantalizingly close.
Robert Ramey
Joel de Guzman wrote:
> Robert Ramey wrote:
>> I've fiddled with the pathnames for a while with no success. I guess
>> I'll have to delve deeper into how the whole thing is supposed to
>> work. In the mean time, my original question remains unanswered.
>> "Its not altogether clear from reading the documentation whether
>> things like DOCBOOK_XSL_DIR should be an exported environmental
>> variable
>> with the value set to the appropriate directory or if the actual
>> directory name should be substitued where DOCBOOK_XSL_DIR appears in
>> the example."
>> I've tried it both ways an no luck. The typefaces and code
>> snippet in the manual seem to suggest the former - but a literal
>> reading
>> of the text suggests the latter.
> I think the blog by Julio M. Merino Vidal is more enlightening than
> our own "official" docs: http://tinyurl.com/nc65b.
> HTH.
> Regards,