$include_dir="/home/hyper-archives/boost-users/include"; include("$include_dir/msg-header.inc") ?>
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-10 02:03:32
Joel de Guzman wrote:
> You didn't answer my question. What I am asking is what
> do I write in the commented out portion of the code
> using only Boost.Serialization interface. I do not want
> to do any undocumented back-door tricks. I want a way to
> skip reading some data regardless of what the archive type
> is.
I don't see a way to do this except in some special cases
like xml. Even then it would only work for some cases
like tracked pointer data, etc.
The basic problem is that Y serializes itself and only
Y "knows" its size. So really only Y has the information
to know how much to skip - but the problem presupposes
that we're not going to have a Y. So I don't think
there is anyway to do this.
Robert Ramey