From: Brian Budge (brian.budge_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-12 11:15:35

Another factor, which affects the constant Mikhail is talking about, is if
the vector can fit into cache. This will make a huge difference. If you
could allocate your nodes to be close together in memory (ie. use Cory's
suggestion of boost::pool), you should be able to reap more cache coherency
benefit in your list too.

On 7/12/06, Mikhail Kubzin <mikhail.kubzin_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> There is a simple rule for choosing a container. If the number of elements
> in it is not huge then use vector.
> The reason is that although the complexity of for instance deleting an
> element from a vector is greater than one from a list, but O-differences
> (here linear-time vs. logarithmic-time) only matter if the containers are
> big enough to swamp the constant factor, which for containers of small
> objects like doubles frequently doesn't happen until after container sizes
> exceed several thousand elements.
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