$include_dir="/home/hyper-archives/boost-users/include"; include("$include_dir/msg-header.inc") ?>
From: bringiton bringiton (kneeride_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-15 04:41:19
On 7/15/06, Zolenko Yevgeniy <zolenkoe_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> bringiton> I'm trying to define a MACRO that creates a shared_ptr and hides
> bringiton> memory allocation. Here is what i have so far:
> bringiton> #define NEW0(T) boost::shared_ptr<T>(new T());
> bringiton> #define NEW1(T, p1) boost::shared_ptr<T>(new T(p1));
> bringiton> #define NEW2(T, p1, p2) boost::shared_ptr<T>(new T(p1, p2));
> bringiton> #define NEW3(T, p1, p2, p3) boost::shared_ptr<T>(new T(p1, p2, p3));
> There is something wrong in the idea.
> I mean from the design point of view. I think you should either trust your
> users to know enough about shared pointers so as not to screw up memory
> allocation (I am paranoid in this regard too though :)). Or you should hide
> the shared pointer altogether.
> So this:
> > boost::shared_ptr<Test> p0 = NEW0(Test);
> Will become something like this (and make all the constructors
> private):
> Test::Ptr p0 = Test::Allocate();
> That requires more work, but it does fully enforce the contract.
> If you maintain that consistently, throughout all you code, you
> will have the control you desire. Down to transparent use of custom
> allocators.
> A wrapper (macro or else) just to ease the use of shared pointers is
> pointless, since it does nothing to force its usage, and more often
> than not, you will see it bypassed because of some momentary inconvenience.
> Then, all of a sudden, you decide to allocate memory on a user's newly
> installed brain implant (instead of old microchip), you modify you
> macro or whatnot to use custom allocators (since new/delete used by
> shared pointer are working with the old one), but in all the weird
> places it would not be used. The head will explode then.
> That is, however you do it, there should be either total freedom or
> total control.
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i disagree. The aim of c++ is to hide implementation details. ie
std::vector hides array memory management, std::list hides linked list
i think it defeats the purpose of having a memory management class
where the user manages the memory. i can see all sorts of problems
with the following:
shared_ptr<int> p(new int(1));
for example:
int x = new int(1);
shared_ptr<int> p(v);
shared_ptr<int> q(v);
// OUCH!!!!
i don't want to assume that users will use the interface correctly. if
i have a choice, i'd rather make the interface bulletproof.
i've made a shared_ptr wrapper. it is very strict how it manages
memory + the user can not break it.
object<int> o;
object<string> o;
object<Test> o;
o.NewObject(1, 'a', "hello");
>>there should be either total freedom or total control.
i dissagree again. ok, stl and boost need to be very generic because
it needs to be used in many types evironments/programs.
however, for my needs, i am writing 1 program in particular, and would
like my objects to behave only in a manner that is appropriate for
that program.