From: Dieter Buys (dieter.buys_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-17 12:50:07

Thanks Robert,

This is the error I get when I change that line to exactly what you

------ Build started: Project: Test, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
: error C2027: use of undefined type
         c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
: see reference to function template instantiation 'void
&,const T &,const boost::archive::detail::basic_pointer_oserializer *)'
being compiled
             TPtr=const gps_position *,
         c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
: while compiling class template member function 'void
&,const gps_position)'
             TPtr=const gps_position *
         c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
: see reference to class template instantiation
'boost::archive::detail::save_pointer_type<Archive,TPtr>' being compiled
             TPtr=const gps_position *
         c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
: see reference to function template instantiation 'void
boost::archive::save<Archive,const T>(Archive &,const T &)' being compiled
             T=const gps_position *const
         c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
: see reference to function template instantiation 'void
boost::archive::basic_text_oarchive<Archive>::save_override<T>(T &,int)'
being compiled
             T=const gps_position *const
         c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
documents\temp\testserial\test_serial.cpp(43) : see reference to
function template instantiation 'Archive
&boost::archive::detail::interface_oarchive<Archive>::operator <<<const
gps_position*const >(T &)' being compiled
             T=const gps_position *const
c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
: error C3203: 'is_polymorphic' : unspecialized class template can't be
used as a template argument for template parameter 'C', expected a real type
c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
documents\libraries\boost_1_33_1\boost\mpl\if.hpp(63) : error C2825:
'T1': must be a class or namespace when followed by '::'
         c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
documents\libraries\boost_1_33_1\boost\mpl\eval_if.hpp(40) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'boost::mpl::if_<T1,T2,T3>'
being compiled
gps_position *>::polymorphic<gps_position>>,
gps_position *>::non_polymorphic<gps_position>>
         c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
: see reference to class template instantiation
'boost::mpl::eval_if<C,F1,F2>' being compiled
gps_position *>::polymorphic<gps_position>>,
gps_position *>::non_polymorphic<gps_position>>
c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
documents\libraries\boost_1_33_1\boost\mpl\if.hpp(63) : error C2039:
'value' : is not a member of '`global namespace''
c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
documents\libraries\boost_1_33_1\boost\mpl\if.hpp(63) : error C2226:
syntax error : unexpected type 'T1'
c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
documents\libraries\boost_1_33_1\boost\mpl\if.hpp(63) : error C2144:
syntax error : 'T1' should be preceded by '('
c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
documents\libraries\boost_1_33_1\boost\mpl\if.hpp(70) : error C2955:
'boost::mpl::if_c' : use of class template requires template argument list
         c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
documents\libraries\boost_1_33_1\boost\mpl\if.hpp(37) : see declaration
of 'boost::mpl::if_c'
c:\documents and settings\dieter buys\my
documents\libraries\boost_1_33_1\boost\mpl\eval_if.hpp(41) : fatal error
C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
Build log was saved at "file://c:\Documents and Settings\Dieter Buys\My
Test - 8 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Dieter Buys

Robert Ramey wrote:
> The change I've suggested below should do it. This is explained
> in the "rationale" section of the manual.
> Robert Ramey
> Dieter Buys wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am experiencing difficulties in getting the Boost serialization
>>> library to work. There seems to be an error related to object
>>> tracking,
>>> as I am getting BOOST_STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE<x>. I am trying to
>>> figure it out using the attached test code. The documentation claims
>>> I should
>>> be putting a BOOST_SERIALIZATION_TRACKING() macro in my file
>>> (presumably directly after my class definition). I did a full text
>>> search over the entire source of the library and nowhere did this
>>> preprocessor macro exist. There is a BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING() macro,
>>> which I tried putting in my source with tracking_never. That seems
>>> to have made no appreciable difference.
>>> I have absolutely no idea what I am supposed to do. :(
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> ~ Dieter Buys
>>> #include <fstream>
>>> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
>>> #include <boost/serialization/serialization.hpp>
>>> #include <boost/serialization/tracking.hpp>
>>> #include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
>>> #include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
>>> class gps_position
>>> {
>>> private:
>>> friend class boost::serialization::access;
>>> template<class Archive>
>>> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
>>> {
>>> ar & degrees;
>>> ar & minutes;
>>> ar & seconds;
>>> }
>>> int degrees;
>>> int minutes;
>>> float seconds;
>>> public:
>>> gps_position() {};
>>> gps_position(int d, int m, float s) : degrees(d), minutes(m),
>>> seconds(s) {} };
>>> // BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING(gps_position, track_never)
>>> int main(void)
>>> {
>>> std::ofstream ofs("serial.txt");
>>> gps_position *g = new gps_position(35, 59, 24.567f);
>>> // const gps_position g(35, 59, 24.567f);
> const gps_position * const g = new gps_position(35, 59, 24.567f);
>>> {
>>> boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(ofs);
>>> oa << g;
>>> }
>>> delete g;
>>> gps_position *newg;
>>> // gps_position newg;
>>> {
>>> std::ifstream ifs("serial.txt", std::ios::binary);
>>> boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs);
>>> ia >> newg;
>>> }
>>> delete newg;
>>> return 0;
>>> }
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