$include_dir="/home/hyper-archives/boost-users/include"; include("$include_dir/msg-header.inc") ?>
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-23 17:33:39
To me, your code looks ok. I wonder if
includes the declarations for ImageRegion. That's the onlything
I can think of.
Robert Ramey
Cheok Yan Cheng wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to perform serialization on a const
> member
> const ImageRegion* imageRegion;
> By refering to
> http://www.boost.org/libs/serialization/doc/serialization.html#const,
> I thought the following code would work.
> friend class boost::serialization::access;
> template<class Archive>
> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int
> version)
> {
> ar & const_cast<ImageRegion *>(imageRegion);
> }
> However, I still get the following error is VC++ 2003
> c:\yccheok\pcbvisionlib\FiducialPair.h(42): error
> C2679: binary '&' : no operator found which takes a
> right-hand operand of type 'ImageRegion *' (or there
> is no acceptable conversion)
> I had fully tested the ImageRegion class. Before this
> const member variable, it can be fully serialized with
> no problem.
> Any suggestion? Thank you!
> p/s
> By refering to the mailing list "(de)serializing
> vector<const A*>"
> http://groups.google.com/group/boost-list/browse_frm/thread/79dba906901d039f/38ac71e4da0c1b3d?lnk=gst&q=serialization+const+pointer&rnum=7#38ac71e4da0c1b3d,
> does it mean that boost is also not allow to
> (de)serialize map<const CLASS*, CLASS> directly? Must
> I iterate through the map elements one by one to
> serialize them manually?
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