$include_dir="/home/hyper-archives/boost-users/include"; include("$include_dir/msg-header.inc") ?>
From: Jason Zhang (jzhang636_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-26 11:28:52
Hi Catherine,
I am sorry that I don't have any idea about a solution to your problem.
Instead, I myself have a problem to ask for help to solve. If you happen to
know anything about it and would kindly to help me, I would appreciate it
very much.
I am trying to port Bayes++ into a Visual C++ 2005 project. The version of
Boost library is the latest (v1.33.1). However, I came cross a C2064
error that tells "term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 arguments"
when I was compiling the BayesFilter project, which integrates Boost header
libraries. The error referred to the sentence
const_iterator (const iterator &it):
container_const_reference<self_type> (it ()), it_ (it.it_) {}
at line 293 in file "boost_1_33_1\boost\numeric\ublas\vector.hpp".
I guess that the problem is related to an incompatibility between Visual C++
2005 and the Boost C++ package, and might be cracked by setting appropriate
VC 2005 compiling options or Boost C++ #dehine's. But I don't have any right
ideas to do so. If you could help, it will be very helpful for me.
Jason Zhang
On 7/26/06, Catherine <Catherine.li_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Hi boost experts,
> Recently, I noticed that I no longer see the actual value of
> a 'boost::optional<__int64>'variable in VS2005 debugger. My program is in
> C++.
> I recalled that I could find the actual value from the data field of the
> variable...
> Anyone encounted this problem? Other than cast the value to be _int64, is
> there
> any other way I can work around it?
> Thanks in advance,
> Catherine
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