From: Sohail Somani (s.somani_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-26 18:45:39

Yikes... Boost and SunCC don't play well. The latest version (11?) is supposed to be better in that I think 70% of boost may compile correctly with it now.

Don't quote me on that number, but I think theres a Sun blog around somewhere about this.

-----Original Message-----
From: boost-users-bounces_at_[hidden] on behalf of Mr Abhinav Rai
Sent: Wed 7/26/2006 2:54 PM
To: boost-users_at_[hidden]
Subject: [Boost-users] error in compiling lambda on solaris
I am trying to compile C++ code with lambda included.
I am using following version of compiler on Solaris:

CC: Sun C++ 5.5 Patch 113817-12 2005/03/08

I get following compile error:

/boost/lambda/detail/is_instance_of.hpp", line 90:
Error: "{" expected instead of ">"

Does this version of solaris compiler not able to
compile lambda? are there any defines needed to fix this?

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