$include_dir="/home/hyper-archives/boost-users/include"; include("$include_dir/msg-header.inc") ?>
From: kfjethro (kfjethro_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-27 10:56:35
I know that there are probably packages available for this platform
but for several reasons I need to build Boost 1.33.1 from scratch.
I have no problems with compiliing from scratch on Ubuntu 6.06.
After unpacking the source files and placing the precompiled bjam
executable in the boost source directory, I run the following:
cd ./boost_1_33_1
./bjam -sTOOLS=gcc -prefix=/usr/local/boost-1.33.1 install
My /usr/local/boost-1.33.1 is owned by me and writeable.
Any suggestions ? Thanks.
The truncated bjam output is :
Building Boost.Regex with the optional Unicode/ICU support disabled.
Please refer to the Boost.Regex documentation for more information
(and if you don't know what ICU is then you probably don't need it).
*** If you don't need Boost.Python, you can ignore this section ***
*** pass --without-python to suppress this message in the future ***
skipping Boost.Python library build due to missing or incorrect configuration
couldn't find Python.h in "/usr/include/python2.4"
You can configure the location of your python installation by setting:
PYTHON_VERSION - The 2-part python Major.Minor version number (e.g.
"2.2", NOT "2.2.1") - currently "2.4"
PYTHON_ROOT - currently "/usr"
The following are automatically configured from PYTHON_ROOT if not
otherwise set:
PYTHON_LIB_PATH - path to Python library object; currently
PYTHON_INCLUDES - path to Python #include directories; currently
Jamfile:278: in load-jamfiles
*** argument error
* rule stage ( name : sources + : requirements * : local-build * )
* called with: ( :
<<<< middle truncated >>>>>>
r_traits.hpp /home/lawrence/boost_1_33_1/boost/pending/bucket_sorter.hpp
/home/lawrence/boost_1_33_1/boost/pending/detail/disjoint_sets.hpp :
<locate>/usr/local <tree-subdirs>/home/lawrence/boost_1_33_1
<target>install : )
* missing argument name
definition of rule 'stage' being called
/home/lawrence/boost_1_33_1/tools/build/v1/bootstrap.jam:21: in boost-build
/home/lawrence/boost_1_33_1/boost-build.jam:16: in module scope