From: Winson Yung (winson.yung_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-27 14:25:46

Hi all, I am not sure this is an old topic or not, but I cannot seem to find
an answer for this. I have a table, because of the table column width
restriction, some of the line in a table row/field gets wrapped around to
second/third lines. Here is a simple illustrated the issue:

sales and marketing (excludes stock-based
compensation of $817, $369 and $113 for 2005, 2004
74,823 36,000 21,162

As you can see the description txt gets break down into three lines. If I
write something like this "^sales and marketing (excludes stock-based
compensation of", it's not gonna capture the entire line that ended with
numbers. The exact location where the line gets wrapped around is not known,
so it's impossible to craft the regular expression like this beforehand.

Is there a way to write *ONE* regular expression to handle this?
