From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-28 00:54:08

Olaf van der Spek wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently using the following code to calculate the number of
> seconds until the next month. I'm wondering whether there's an easier
> way.
> date d(day_clock::universal_day());
> d += months(1);
> cout << duration2a((ptime(date(d.year(), d.month(), 1))
- second_clock::universal_time()).total_seconds())
+ " until ladders
> reset" << endl;
> return 0;

Not tested, but I think should work...not sure it's much easier...

date d(day_clock::universal_day());
ptime month_start (d.end_of_month() + days(1));
cout << (month_start - second_clock::universal_time()).total_seconds()
